Department of Computer Engineering of AIET has arranged an Industrial Visit at Pune for all Computer Engineering Student in 2019. Here Student got chance to see India’s super computer “PARAM”. They gain knowledge about CDAC centers and working system of CDAC.
Department of Electrical Engineering and Department of Mechanical Engineering has arranged an industrial visit at Adani Port for Mechanical and Electrical students in 2019.
Department of Information Technology of AIET had arranged industrial visit at Science City, Ahmedabad for 6th semester IT/CE students in 2019. Students were given a brief idea on breakthrough technologies and future gadgets. The futuristic technology exhibition showcased the smart gadgets that control every facet […]
Department of Electrical Engineering of AIET has arranged an industrial visit at Mundra Port for Electrical and Mechanical engineering students. Here, students gain knowledge about Mundra Port company, working structure of Port, etc.